Family of God is a non-profit Lutheran ministry committed to bringing the transformative power of the gospel to the lives of those living in Southwest, Detroit. We are commited to building authentic relationships with those we serve and offering programs that support them in physical, spiritual, and emotional capacities.
Through service we address a need. Sometimes these needs are physical such as hunger, thirst, or a need for clothing. Other times we address an individual's need to belong, to be seen, heard, or to be validated.

By witnessing, we share with those we serve the love and forgiveness that we have experienced from Jesus Christ along with the good news that God's love and forgiveness exists for all people, including them.

Fellowship is when Christian's gather together as a community of believers. At Family of God, we engage in fellowship six days a week through worship, Bible study, and sharing a meal together. We pray that through fellowship, we would strengthen and encourage one another in our walk with Christ.

Just as Christ has had compassion on us, we strive to show compassion to one another. Through compassion we are motivated to love one another and take action when faced with the brokenness and injustices of our community and of the world.

Our vision is to be a change agent in the community rooted God's heart to seek the lost, bind up the broken, and strengthen the weak. We desire to meet the needs of the most vulnerable individuals in Southwest, Detroit and assist in empowering them to break free from the generational cycles of brokenness and sin that exist in their lives. We know that this can only happen through the person and work of Jesus Christ therefore in all that we do we will continue to operate out of His love for us so that the world would know Him. We dream of a day when the hope of the gospel has transformed every life in Southwest, Detroit and we pray that God would continue to use this ministry to expand His kingdom.

Family of God was founded by Sue Hatcher-Wilson in January of 1996. At the time Sue was working as a Social Worker in Southwest, Detroit. She saw the need for someone to share the hope of the gospel with the clients she was working with. After being encouraged by Lutheran City Ministries, she started a Bible study support group that met once a week at the Clark St. YMCA in Southwest. The group offered Bible studies, emotional support, prayer, and worship to an under resourced population of people in the area. Those who attended were dealing with drug addiction, prostitution, homelessness, and many mental and medical health issues. In addition to spiritual and emotional support, the gathering offered coffee and snacks to those who attended which eventually grew into sandwiches and meals.
The small Bible study Sue had started continued to grow and began to serve a meal and hold Bible study multiple times a week. The group moved locations several times to meet their growing needs and in 2002 was joined by Jim Hill who soon became an integral part of the ministry. In 2005 Jim was ordained and began serving as the Senior Pastor at Family of God.
In July 2013, Lutheran City Ministries was no longer able to support Family of God’s growing ministry but God provided a way to keep its open through the generosity of several local churches. Today, Family of God continues to be supported through several church partners and volunteers committed to its mission.
In February of 2016, God provided for the ministry in another huge way; Family of God was able to purchase the building it currently calls home located at 7354 Whittaker Rd. Here its mission remains the same as it has always been, to bring the transformative power of the gospel to the lives of those living in Southwest, Detroit.

Associate Pastor
PRESIDENT - David Crittenden
TREASURER - Chris Szymkowicz
SECRETARY - Deborah Hill
TRUSTEE - Ike Smith
AT LARGE -John Solano
AT LARGE - Michelle Soltman
Deacon John Krug - N/A Facilitator
Deacon in Training - Paul Stickel
Deacon in Training - Pat Syzmkowicz
Deacon in Training - Ron Hughes - Men's Bible Study
Ms. Terry Priestley - Deaconess Intern
Susan Hill - Women's Bible Study
Heather & Emelia Gruenhagen - Children
Ben Brunner - CUAA Pre-Sem Student
Jacob Ferns - Music and Worship Planning
Gloria Villalobos - Compassion and Serving